The Goldfinches, usually the last species to nest, waits for an abundant seed supply. Here are a few shots of both male and female picking seeds from spent purple coneflower heads.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
American Goldfinches foraging on Coneflower heads
The Goldfinches, usually the last species to nest, waits for an abundant seed supply. Here are a few shots of both male and female picking seeds from spent purple coneflower heads.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Debated whether to Post this or not (Pygmy Rattler)

Never even told Myron. There is a very deep and gorgeous canyon to the south side of the ROLF property. This past April I hike the entire length and continued west to a gravel road which eventually led me back to the Signed entrance of ROLF. Near the top of the canyon of rocks, where the canyon turns into a creek with ledge rocks, I spotted the first rattlesnake I have ever seen at ROLF sunning himself on a warm 75F day. It is a Pygmy rattler, small and looking out of place in southern Missouri, but a real rattlesnake. If I ever saw one at ROLF, I expected it to be a Timber Rattler.
Sistrurus miliarius streckeri
Local Name: ground rattler
This is one of the smallest species of rattlesnakes in North America. General color is light grayish-brown, with a row of small, dark brown spots on the back and similar spots on each side. Most specimens also have a rust-colored stripe down the back. The belly is usually gray. The pygmy rattlesnake has a thin tail and a tiny rattle. Length averages from 15 to 20 inches (38-51 cm). This species lives under rocks on cedar glades and is so secretive that few people encounter it. The sound of the vibrating rattle is a faint buzz like the sound of a grasshopper. Food includes small lizards, snakes, frogs and mice. Although the bite of this species is not fatal, a bite victim should seek immediate medical attention. The pygmy rattlesnake should be respected and left alone.
Missouri Distribution: Counties bordering Arkansas and the eastern Missouri Ozarks.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Scissor Tail Flycatcher

This May 19th, I came across two pairs of Scissor-tail Flycatchers. One pair about one mile south of Highway 181 at Crossroads and the second on the entrance field to River of Life Farm on the North Fork River. Both pairs were actively foraging for insects. Both pairs shown above and both pairs where using black cherry trees as landing bases.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Severe weather over the North Fork
Monday, August 24, 2009
The bunting started it
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Late spring Nuthatch rooting for grubs
Nuthatches have always been one of my favorite birds because of the antics, mostly spending their time upside down. During the winter the frequent feeders and I do not find them as interesting as I do in the late spring summer when they work upside down looking of bugs. These pictures were taken from the Tree Top Loft.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The reason why bird watching is so good
You are nestled in the pines and oaks mid-canopy, so you can see all birds below you, very well, birds higher up in the canopy very well, and all the birds at 50' are at eye level. Birding from here is so outstanding; you have to see them to believe it. Try it soon. This is the TreeTop Loft and also has, as you can see, an excellent view of the river and water birds. Picture around May 2008.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Using a long lens to capture bluebirds
Bluebird fledglings

Another of my favorite pictures. I took about 500 pictures of the bluebirds in mid-April at River of Life Farm on the North Fork of the White river; the house closest to the falls. Then, in May they had fledged their 1st brood of the year and it appeared that at least two survived until later May. Here are some May pictures of a fledgling and a fledgling being fed by a parent near the Walnut trees by the falls.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
River of Life Farm - Catbird
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Yellow-Rumped Warbler

One of my best 2 or 3 pictures of 2009, so far. A Yellow-rumped warbler from the TreeTop Loft, taken on April 19th. This guy spent lots of time posing for me. Of course when you are in Missouri's very best birding spot, it is not hard to get some good captures. Missouri Bird Watchers nee to make a point to stay in one of these cabins this fall for the southward migration or next spring for the northward migration.
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Rainbow Spring's blueish water
Beautiful Eastern Kingbird
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Thursday, August 6, 2009
From porch of Whispering Pines looking southwest
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Red-bellied Woodpecker in April at ROLF
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Blue Gray Gnatcatcher from Tree Top Loft
Monday, August 3, 2009
Under the falls in May 2009
this picture was taken in the morning on the opposite side of the river looking back at the ROLF side on May 24, 2009 using an Optima underwater camera. This was only 7 days after a minor river rise and debris, including water-cress, is still floating downstream. This picture gives you a good view of the clarity and color of the North Fork in the spring prior to summer's gin clear water.