Information about the North Fork of the White River and River of Life Farm; the river, floats, wildlife, history, surrounding country, and the people. I am a lifetime friend of "River of Life Farm" using my Canon cameras.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Prothonotary Warbler
The Prothonotary Warbler is known as the "Gold and Silver Bird" and it is indeed a brilliant sight. Females are a duller version of the male. His song is a distinctive ringing tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet with all notes on the same pitch. Prothonotaries are the only eastern warbler to use tree cavities for their nests. They make 2 nests during the Summer at ROFF in the North Fork riparian vegetation.
I have spent 45+ years of my life "with wet tennis shoes" around on or near Missouri streams. I am fascinated by the wildlife, love catch and release fly-fishing, canoeing, bird-watching, studying natural flowers and trees. My favorite river is the North Fork of the White and my favorite location is River of Life Farm near of Dora, Missouri. I use Canon DSLR Pro grade cameras and a series of Canon L series lenses.
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